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Putnam Paths & Parkways



Sara Campfield 3P

After graduating from Purdue, with a degree in agronomy, Sara worked in schools in West Central Indiana for nine years, including five years as a biology and chemistry teacher.  In 2019, she was named executive director of the Putnam County Soil & Water Conservation District, and she, her husband John and their two daughters moved to Greencastle. The Putnam County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) is a government organization dedicated to helping residents and land owners in Putnam County preserve our natural resources.  The SWCD can help with identifying natural resource concerns and getting technical assistance to help with those concerns. The SWCD office is co-located in the USDA Service Center in Greencastle.

Lisa Zeiner 3P

Lisa Zeiner is director of the Putnam County Planning and Building Department and Deputy Emergency Management Agency Director, both roles drawing from experiences in an extensive career. Before her current appointment in 2020, Lisa worked as an environmental health specialist for the Putnam County Health Department, at an engineering firm, in healthcare, at a title company, and with the Hendricks County Planning Department. She has extensive knowledge of zoning regulations, septic system design and construction, as well as land surveying and engineering, and emergency preparedness.

Ashley Wells

After graduating from South Putnam High School, Ashley received her BA in economics and finance from Hanover College.  In 2017 she established a consulting company, Lift Financial, serving as a Virtual CFO for small- to medium-sized businesses all over the country. At the same time, she earned an MBA from IU’s Kelley School of Business and a Master’s degree in agricultural economics from Purdue University. Today she also serves as Controller for Liberty Trailers, a Fillmore-based manufacturer.

John Garner 3P

John and his wife, Gail, have lived in Putnam County for 45 years. John taught at Cloverdale High School for 10 years and spent 30 at Greencastle High School teaching chemistry, physics and environmental science. He is an active member of Cloverdale United Methodist Church and a 10-year member of the Greencastle Sustainability Commission, currently serving as board chair.

Joe Myers

Justin Hall grew up in Greencastle and graduated from Greencastle High School in 2005. In high school, Justin was active in both cross country and track. He holds a Bachelor of Science in business management from Liberty University and has worked in quality engineering and engineering management for Crown Equipment for 10 years as well as Midmark and Resonetics (both medical device companies).

Brad Ontrop, Putnam Parks & Pathways Board Member

I’ve been married to my beautiful wife for 15 years and we have 7 children.  We moved from Eastern Indiana over to Putnam County.  This allowed me to join the Basecamp Country Real Estate team as a land broker and focus my real estate in the area I love the most, the outdoors!

Joe Myers

Growing up in Mount Meridian, Matt was homeschooled through his K-12 education and connected to the community through 4-H, sports and church. Working at Greencastle Physical Therapy his junior year, he discovered a career focused on optimizing health through movement.

Jim Woody 3P

A Greencastle native, Brittney is chief photographer for DePauw University and owner of her own company, Brittney Way Photography. Her imagery wheelhouse includes storytelling, travel, lifestyle, and portraiture. She says the most enjoyable aspect of her work is “drawing out the authentic aspects of a subject through different perspectives of the lens.” She enjoys travel and drawing fresh inspiration from places around the world.  In the last year, she added Yosemite and Iceland to her photography passport.

Jim Woody 3P

A Montgomery County native, Jim was raised on a farm where the original acres have been owned by family for more than 100 years, land recognized with the Hoosier Homestead Award.  He continues to be connected with the farm with activities like mowing, invasive plant control, tree pruning, and wild mushroom hunting, “all the things no one else wants to do” on the 320-acre property. 

Eric Freeman 3P

Graduating with an English degree from DePauw University in 1984, Eric returned in 2016 to serve as tourism director for the Putnam County Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB), the county’s marketing and promotion agency focused on leveraging Putnam County’s unique assets to encourage visitation and support economic development. 

Mike Richmond 3P

With a B.S. in business marketing from Indiana State University, Mike launched a social media program for the Putnam County Visitors Center in 2018, where he also leads email marketing and website development. In 2019, he became executive director of Main Street Greencastle and still holds both positions, working under the title “Community Developer.”


Hundreds of people were involved over 25-plus years, but longtime elementary school teacher Joy Marley created, and has been the driving force behind, People Pathways since it launched in 1995.

Joy’s mission for People Pathways is its mission today – to enhance the quality of life of our community by developing a network of multi-use trails for walking, running, bicycling, and horseback riding where possible, to promote community connections, non-motorized transportation, citizen interaction, outdoor education, recreation, safety, and good health.