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Edna Collins Covered Bridge

The newest bridge in Putnam County, Edna Collins Covered Bridge was built by Charles Hendrix in 1922, constructed to replace a concrete bridge washed out by high water. There are a number of ways to get to the bridge, and finding Clinton Falls is the easiest and most scenic route. Once there, be wary of local legends that tell of a “haunting”.

Local lore claims the bridge is haunted by a mother and child. There are multiple tales, but the most common is that a little girl by the name of Edna Collins lived nearby and frequently swam in Little Walnut Creek. Her parents would drop her off on their way to town and, when they returned, would honk three times to let her know it was time to leave. One day, Edna failed to respond to the horn and, upon searching the creek, she was found to have drown. Circumstances concerning her death are unknown. The routine you must follow to see Edna’s spirit begins with driving onto the bridge. There, turn off your engine and honk three times. If you follow the pattern of her parents, Edna is supposed to appear and try to get in the car with you. Some witnesses have found child-sized handprints on their car and heard the laughter of a little girl nearby.

Directions: Starting from the Putnam County Courthouse, head north on US-231. Turn left on WEst County Road 350 North. As you approach the Clinton Falls Community Church, turn left on North County Road 600 West. Take an immediate right back onto West County Road 350 North. Drive through Clinton Falls and turn left on West County Road 450 North, you will see the Covered Bridge.

Edna Collings Covered Bridge
Edna Collings Covered Bridge
Edna Collings Covered Bridge

Total Length: 84′

Largest Span: 80′

WIDTH: 14’4″

HEIGHT: 13’3″