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Fern Cliff Nature Preserve

Owned and managed by the Indiana Chapter of The Nature Conservancy. A registered National Natural Landmark, Fern Cliff Nature Park’s steep forested, sandstone cliffs, lush wooded ravines and a profusion of ferns and bryophytes make it a botanist’s floral paradise. Its 157-acre mesic upland forest is dominated by oak, beech, hickory, sugar maple, ash, wild cherry, tuplid, and other trees, and its abandoned sandstone quarry was the source of the greenish glass that made the first Coca-Cola bottles so remarkable. The preserve is open for hiking, photography and bird watching on its moderate to rugged terrain. Rock climbing and rappelling are not allowed. Please note Fern Cliff is gated to prevent vehicles. Simply walk around the gate.

Fern Cliff Nature Preserve
Fern Cliff Nature Preserve
Fern Cliff Nature Preserve