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Putnam Pickleball Players

Reinvigorating a set of dilapidated tennis courts in Robe Ann Park was the first step to success for the Putnam Pickleball Players. Now, with over 60 paddles (or members) on its roster, the group hosts regular outings on an almost weekly basis as well as a number of special events throughout the year.

What started as a backyard game between friends has grown into a massive, nationwide sports boom. Pickleball courts have sprung up around the country, including here in West Central Indiana. Easy to understand and beginner-friendly, the game bands together all talents and age ranges. In 2017, the Putnam Pickleball Players officially formed as new courts replaced the deteriorated tennis courts in Robe Ann Park. Since that time, the group has led several fundraising efforts to maintain and upkeep the public courts including installing new signage and nets in 2023. Further efforts are now working towards a conjoined patio and seating area for the courts.

Membership to the group costs $25 on an annual basis and allows players to join the weekly games held at Robe Ann as well as any fundraising events and tournaments.

Putnam Pickleball Players
Putnam Pickleball Players
Putnam Pickleball Players

If you are interested in joining the Putnam Pickleball Players, would like to participate in their sessions, or have any particular questions, please contact Putnam Pickleball Players at: [email protected]